Saturday, April 7, 2012

Studying Korean

HEY guys i wanted to talk about learning korean. If your a korean-holic like i am you might already considered learning the language.

The reason I'm learning:

1. its much easier watching a korean show raw because their easier to find
2. Will help me in th long run
3. good on a resume
4. i want to live in korea in the future
5. seams fun
6. also people ask me a lot if i understand it

I have now been studying korean on and off for 2 years. Since I do have friends and school I can't completely immerse myself in studying but when i have time I do.

Where I am In korean now: high-beginner or low-intermediate

I can understand a sentences when i know at least 3 words. I can read Hangeul but really slow. I sound like my brother who just learned how to read. I do understand some of it but not all. But i can understand them to a point where i can make small talk with a korean person. That in my book is good for a 15 year old learning korean by herself

What I use to study:

1. A Learn Korean Book
2. Korean kid workbooks ( like the ones where they have kids trace the words in)
    *learned this from 2PM's Khun*
3. Bright Pens --- So i know what is important/remember & it has to catch my attention
4. brightly colored sticky notes
5. Cute notebook -- make me open up the notebook & not just leave it on my table
5.Flash Cards -- bright ones that are different colors
6. Music Titles-- i usually read koewan music titles or when i have the album/single i read the thank you's
7. KDrama & variety show -- there are a lot of korean phrases that are said often and sometimes thats how I learn
8. Reading lyrics in Hangeul -- i read the hangeul lyrics and try to translate it in my head then see the english translation and see if i was correct.
9. Apps -- there are a lot of great apps that are designed for learning a language
10.The Will to Do it -- again my dream is to live there someday (during college as an exchange student) so i REALLY WANT TO LEARN KOREAN

For any of you wondering i want to become a computer engineer so i think going to korea where the center of technology along with Japan is a good expierience.

So i hope you guys think about studying Korean and if you do any of my suggestions please tell me how it works out for you or If your learning now please tell me some of your techniques.

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