Wednesday, April 18, 2012

SISTAR's Alone Review

First off, I know lots of people are comparing 4minute to SISTAR and vice versa but, I'm here to review SISTAR, not 4minute. Frankly, SISTAR and 4minute have completely different styles which is why we love them so much.

The first word that comes to mind when hearing this song is: classy. The video, the song, everything about the Alone exuded a femme fatale-esque vibe (in a good way). Their dance reminded me of Miss A's Touch because of the slow movements and the smaller steps, but I loved their attitude which really brought the dance to life.  They owned this dance in addition to being stunning. It was all in the eyes. Each member oozed confidence and they had a penetrating gaze that said, "I'm beautiful and I know it." Plus, the Vegas setting also worked perfectly with the night-club ambiance of the music video. And somehow, while watching this video, I kept visualizing Panam the TV show, Catch Me if You Can (the Korean Version, of course) and I kept feeling this 70's disco vibe. I suppose it was the combination of club scene,  pilot hats, Dasom's cute hairstyle, and the glowing, vibrant floors which shockingly didn't electrify the girls while they were lying on it. I mean, how could you sleep on a giant night light?

Now let me be the first to point out the giant, inky elephant in the room. What up with all the tattoos?! It's not just SISTAR though. I saw tatoos in 4minute, BIG BANG, and EXO's videos too! I have nothing against tattoos but the least they could do was make it realistic looking, especially Soyu's. It looked too ostentatious as if it were copy and pasted on her leg, as well as Bora's. I don't see the significance of the tattoos, and the music video would've done well with or without it. Maybe this is a new trend! Hmmm.....

Within the first few seconds of the song, I heard that beat; I could already feel the tone of the song, and I knew I would like it. It sounded smooth like R&B, but the melody had an almost disco vibe (Or maybe that's just me), but whatever it is, I fell in love with this song, and it has been on constantly replaying in my head as well as my computer. I loved every part of this song; the beginning had this awesome piano bit which I later learned was a synthesizer and then the funky melody would kick in and then this song would forever be imprinted in my mind. Plus, I thought Hyorin's voice range added some, lack of a better word, pizzazz.  Also, I absolutely, positively loved Bora's rap because it sounded more like she was rhythmically talking, instead of a rapid fire jumble of words which complemented the whole tone of the song. This song is so unique; it's guaranteed to play in your head everyday, any day. After watching this music video, I highly doubt SISTAR could ever be alone.

*All credits (including pictures and videos) belong to their rightful owners*

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