Friday, February 24, 2012

Netizens Need to Get Under Control

Hey guys and I'm pretty sure that you know that theres a lot of incidents with netizens and recently I posted something about Block B and their attitude well apparently netizens have a petition for Block B's suicide. Right now i speak to all netizens please stop you guys are getting way out of control. These boys have shown that they were sorry and have showed it very well so stop making hate comments and doing anything of any sort. This is a sin! i know its kind of corny to say "treat people how you wanna be treated" but its true you guys will have the backlash. Do you really want to look back one day and remember you crushed someone's dream? i know i don't. what they did at that interview was wrong and they gut their punishment and that's being looked down on by their seniors and others around them. Their young what the hell do you think they would do. I mean i get rude and i damn well know that you do too. so just stop! the worst that could happen is one of these young people killing themselves because society hates them. Now think people at school that get bullied and kill themselves and thats the doing of only a few kids. but for them its different, its basically the whole country. there has been many incidents that people are hurt because of you people. WE DO NOT NEED YOU CRAZY PEOPLE IN SOCIETY!!!! and people who deliberately hurt others online *not just people that did this to BLOCK B* need to get a life. They also have every rite to have you arrested. for Yoon Eun Hye her incident with an anti f she charged she could charge you for attempted murder .for you to just sit there and leave hate comments is a fucking waste of time. One of the members of Block B has been already hospitalized because of all the fucking shit going on i don't think you want anymore! the more you do this to people the more these people will quite and you will have no music, no dance, no nothing because you people were mean to them! SO STOP MAKING GROUPS! STOP MAKING FORUMS! AND GET A FUCKING LIFE!

-incidents when anti's have gone too far-
1. Yoon Eun Hye - was part of Baby V.O.X and was a target for antis---on her debut year  she was shot in the eye by an anti-fan who tried to make her blind with a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar using a water gun. She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors confirmed that her cornea was damaged. 

2. U-Know of DBSK/TVXQ - While the group was filming a variety show on October 14, 2006, U-Know was rushed to the hospital after drinking a beverage, which was laced with super glue, that had been given to him by an anti-fan. His manager quickly instructed him to vomit right afterward.[14] The anti-fan turned herself in the next day. The female suspect, whose surname is Ko, was apprehended on October 16, was a member of an anti-TVXQ website for over two years

will look for more but this for now...


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